Natural Beauty - Rugged Design

“It was love at first sight….I often entertain, serving charcuterie style offerings and have a few favorite boards. However, move over boards, I now have a charcuterie table!”

Janet from Kentucky

Hand-Crafted from Locally Sourced Wood Species

We source our wood from the more than 15 species of wood (see list in Our Story section) found in Western North Carolina. Our Galleries include a mixture of custom pieces and creative pieces that are currently for sale by calling or emailing us or by visiting our local shop. If you see something you like in our Galleries that is sold out, chances are good that we can re-create something very close to that piece for you! We hope our Galleries give you a good feel for our style, craftsmanship and quality.

Prices listed for each Category start there and go up based on size, materials, wood type and custom timeframe.

For additional information on availability, pricing, custom orders or anything else, contact us at (828) 628-9700.

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